Azure Data Studio Connections and SSMS Registered Servers

Azure Data Studio and SQL Server Management Studio share a great deal of functionality, especially if you add the functionality of the ADS extensions.  While they both are great tools, very little information is passed from one tool to the other. For example, when you make a connection to a SQL Server in either tool, it will query the sysdatabases table to get a list of databases.   You will see the same list of databases in both tools.  This is something that looks like the two tools share, but in reality do not.

Now, let’s take a look at something that does get passed from Azure Data Studio to SSMS. To see this you will first need to open the Registered Servers window.  This can be found under the View menu item. It is here that you will find something that is passed from Azure Data Studio to SQL Server Management Studio.


Registered servers in SQL Server Management Studio can be very useful, especially if you need to run the same block of code on multiple servers.  This window does not exist in Azure Data Studio.  When viewing the Registered Servers window in SQL Server Management Studio, you will see at least two groups, Local Server Groups and Azure Data Studio.

Notice in the above image, you see several folders under both Local Server Groups and Azure Data Studio.  The items under Local Server Groups were created using SSMS.  If you right clock on Local Server Groups, you will see a context menu pop up and you can then add another group or register a server.

However, if you right click on Azure Data Studio a context menu will NOT appear.  If you want to add a group here, you will need to do so using Azure Data Studio instead.

To do this in Azure Data Studio, you will need to create a new Server Group.  When in the Connections panel, use the button highlighted below to create a new Server Group.

You do not need to restart Azure Data Studio to see the new group in the Connections pane.  However, you will need to restart SQL Server Management Studio to see the new group in the Registered Servers window.

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