Create Database Event – When does it fire?

Recently when presenting my Extended Event session at a SQL Saturday an attendee asked if the Create Database session I used as a demo would pick up the Tempdb that is recreated at start up. The answer is that it will not.  But this question got me thinking, what about a restore or attaching a database, would the event pick that up?

I have to admit, while I suspected that it would not pick up the TempDB creation, I was not 100% certain on whether or not the Create Database event fires on start up.  So I wanted to do a quick test and the answer is that the event does not fire when the SQL Server service is restarted.

What about when a database is attached?  When attaching a database, this event does indeed fire.  Which of course makes sense, at least to me, you are creating a new database when attaching the database files.

What about when a database is restored?  Although a restore is in reality a drop and recreate the database, it does NOT fire the Create Database event.  I tried both restoring the database with the same name and a different name and neither one was picked up by the Create Database event.

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Track Failed Logins with Extended Events

Many things in life have opposites.  There are stop and go, beginning and end and of course in and out.  SQL Server is not any different, you have BEGIN TRAN…COMMIT TRAN, successful login and failed login as well as a few others.  Using Extended Events there is just a login event, not a successful or failed login event.  If you look at the description of the login event this is what you will see:

Occurs when a successful connection is made to the Server. This event is fired for new connection or when connections are reused from a connection pool

Notice is states successful connections.  What if I want to use Extended Events to track failed logins. Logic would say that if there is an event for successful logins, there would be an event for failed logins.  In this case, logic would be wrong.

If you do a search for the work “fail” in the events a number of events will be returned.  Many of the are related to column store and none of them are related to failed logins, most are related to column store.

Although, when I think of Extended Events, I usually think about how I can use it to capture performance related information. However, there are somethings, like failed logins, that could be helpful as well.  Well how can I capture failed logins if there is not an event to do so.

To do this, you have to use the error_reported event and use predicates(filters) to return just failed logins.

As you can see in the above image, there are two filters we need to configure.

Severity is set to equal 14, this one is optional but might help eliminate unnecessary rows

error_number is set to equal 18456

state is set to greater than 8, this can be set to 1 as well

These combined allow you to capture failed logins. If you do a Google search on the error number you will find that the Microsoft documentation states this.

“When a connection attempt is rejected because of an authentication failure that involves a bad password or user name, a message similar to the following is returned to the client: “Login failed for user ‘<user_name>’. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)”.”

This might have you wondering why the other predicates are needed.  Well, it is to help eliminate similar rows. If you look at the image below, the two rows that are highlighted are the same failed login event.  One has a severity of 1 and the other has a severity of 8.  The other difference is the error message. As you can see, there is just a bit more information with severity 8 than with severity 1.

Severity 1 message: Login failed for user ‘testgrant’.

Severity 8 message: “Login failed for user ‘testgrant’. Reason: Password did not match that for the login provided. [CLIENT: <local machine>]”

Just a little side note, to read the event file for Extended Events, simply right click on the target file in SQL Server Management Studio and click “View Target Data”.


This can be very useful information and in my opinion, might be a bit easier to query than reading the log file.  It is always nice to have options. This works for an on-prem instance of SQL Server, I have not been able to get it to work on an Azure SQL Database yet.  This could be due to the fact that in an Azure SQL Database, Extended Events are set up in the database.  I am still working on that so look for a future blog post on that.

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When two processes are caught up in a deadlock, one will be chosen as the victim and the process will be terminated, while the other process will be successful.  SQL Server will, by default, pick the process that has the lowest cost to rollback.  This can present a potential issue if the terminated process is a business critical process.  The DEADLOCK_PRIORITY allows us to have more control over whether or not a process is chosen as the victim.

Before getting into how to set the DEADLOCK_PRIORITY, let’s quickly go over what the options are.  There are two ways to set the priority of a process. The first option is to use one of the keywords, LOW, NORMAL or HIGH. The second approach is to use a numeric value between -10 and 10.  The lowest value will be chosen as the victim.  For example, LOW will be the victim of the other process is HIGH and -1 will be the victim if the other process is greater than -1.

If you look at the chart below you will see the winners and the losers in the deadlock. These charts identify what process will be allowed to complete and not be the victim.  As you can see, when one process is LOW and the other is MEDIUM, the LOW process will be the victim.  If there is a tie, SQL Server will use the cost to rollback the transaction.

The chart below is somewhat incomplete.  The allowable ranges for the priority as a numeric value is the range between -10 and 10.  As you can see below, if one process is -9 and the other is -7, the -9 will be the victim.  Rather than take the chart all the way out to 10, I think this gives you the idea of how to figure it out beyond the numbers that are in the chart.

So now that we know how SQL Server determines the victim, let’s take a look at how we can determine what the priority was for the processes in a deadlock.

One way is to use the deadlock graph.  The two highlighted items are the deadlock priority for each of the processes.  As you can see, the priority 5 survived while the priority -5 was chosen as the victim.

You can also look at the XML to determine the priority of each of the processes.  In the XML you will look for “taskpriority” in the Process-List node.  As you can see below there are two of them, one for the process that succeeded and the victim. The “victimProcess id” identifies the process that was chosen as the victim.

To set the priority for a process, you would add the code below at the beginning for the batch. This setting is for the session.


This is what the code would look like if using a numeric priority.  Remember, the value must between -10 and 10, inclusive.

This is what it would look like if you use the LOW, NORMAL, HIGH option.

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Extended Events and Execution Plans

The ability to view execution plans is a critical part of any successful troubleshooting effort. It is in the execution plans that you can find a great deal of information.

Just a sample of what can be found in execution plans.

      • Data access type – Scan or a seek
      • What indexes were used
      • What type of physical join type – Hash Match, merge or nested loops
      • If key lookups are being used

Of course this is a very small sample.  Even in this short list, you can see the value in execution plans.  Given the value of execution plans, it is important to understand how these can be captured.  There are a number of methods that can be used.

SQL Server Management Studio is an effective method for capturing a single plan.  When you have a query you would like to see the plan on you have two options, estimated and actual.  The differences is pretty simple, estimated is what SQL Server thinks it will do while the actual execution plan is what it actually did to get the data you are requesting.

To get the estimated execution plan, click the “Display Estimated Execution Plan” under the Query menu.  At this point, SQL Server will get all the information it needs to create the plan, however will not actually execute the query. Statistics are a key part of this and should kept up to date.

When getting the estimated plan, SQL Server does not actually execute the query.  However, when the actual plan is used, SQL Server does execute the query. To get the actual execution plan you can do one of two things, click the toolbar icon highlighted below and execute the query. Or you can click the menu item under the Query menu and then execute the query.

As mentioned this method works great if you have the query and will capture the plan for a single query.  However, what if you want to capture the execution plans over a period of time.

Within SQL Server you have two methods that can be used to accomplish this.  One is Query Store and the other is Extended Events.  Since this is a post about Extended Events, here is some good documentation on Query Store, click here.

When using Extended Events to capture the plan you have two options.

query_pre_execution_showplan – this is the estimated plan

query_post_execution_showplan – this is the actual plan

Either one of these should work.  Once you have chosen the event, the XML for the plan can be found in the “Event Fields” tab and the showplan_XML column.

The easiest way to view this is to use SSMS.  If you navigate to the target and right click on the target.

In this case, right click on the event file and then click “view target data”.  When you do you will then you will see this.  If you look towards the bottom you will see the Query Plan tab. Once you click this, you will then see the plan.

What is missing?  If you look at the two plans below you will see a noticeable difference.  The SELECT operator is missing on the top one.  The top plan is from Extended Events and the bottom one is from SSMS.

Missing the SELECT operator is a big deal.  There is a great deal of information that can be found here. This alone would be a good reason to not use Extended Events to capture execution plans.

If that alone isn’t enough to avoid using Extended Events to capture execution plans, take a look at this warning that can be found in the description of the two events mentioned above.

“Using this event can have a significant performance overhead so it should only be used when troubleshooting or monitoring specific problems for brief periods of time.”

So if I shouldn’t use Extended Events to capture the execution plans, what should I use?  The answer is Query Store.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you learned something. More importantly, you learned what not to use!

All my Extended Event Options are Greyed out

Have you ever tried to change the options for an Extended Events session, only to see this.

There are a number of options that are greyed out and can’t be changed.  This is because the session is running.  There are some options that can be changed, just none on the Advanced tab.  This is an easy fix, if you need to change one of these options, simply stop the session and make your change.  Don’t forget to restart the session.

Something to keep in mind.  If you are using the file target, stopping and restarting the session could delete your oldest file and will create a new session file.  This could potentially result in the loss of key data.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and I hope you learned something.

Extended Events Max Dispatch Latency

When you create an Extended Event session, there are a number of properties that you can set.  These properties are spread through out the tabs in the Session Properties window.

Below you will see the four tabs,  General, Events, Data Storage and Advanced.

Just as a brief summary let’s go over a few of the key properties in each tab.

In the session tab, the obvious properties is the “Session Name”.  But there is also another key property, “Start the event session at server start up”.  This is an important property that can assure the session starts in the event of a server restart.

The event tab is exactly what you think it might be, it is where you will decide what events you want to capture and what data columns you would like to capture.

There are a number of options for storage and you will set this in the Data Storage tab.  Where the data collected is stored is referred to as targets  Two of the commonly used targets are ring_buffer, this is memory, and file target.

Which brings to the last table, Advanced.  This is where the Max_Dispatch_Latency property can be found.  The max_dispatch_latency property is the maximum duration that an event, once captured, would reside in the buffer before written to the target.  This doesn’t mean it will always take this long, just the maximum amount of time it will take.  The default for this property is 30 seconds.  For the most part, this is a good number and should avoid changing it.

You would logically think that the minimum setting would be zero seconds.  If you think that way, you are correct.  However, 0 does not mean 0 seconds.  When this is set to 0 it means the event will stay in the buffer until the buffer becomes full.  This is the same set setting the “Unlimited” option you see below. Given this, the true minimum is one second.

When I present my Extended Event session I usually use the Create Database event in my demo.  Once, I create the database, I go immediately to the target to see if the event has been written to the target.  Usually that takes just a few seconds.  I only see the event written to the target about 50% of the time.  This is because of the max_dispatch_latency.

Here is a really nice article by Jonathan Kehayias on the properties of an extended event session, click here.

Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you learned something!

Capture Deadlock Information with Extended Events

Over the past few years, I have presented a number of sessions on Extended Events.  As I prepare to present the topic a few more times in the coming weeks, I thought I would do a blog post on one particular event that has been very helpful to me when working with issues in a production environment.  That event is related to the Deadlock graph.

There are several ways you can capture this.  Profiler has been a very good and very effective way of capturing the Deadlock graph. However, starting with SQL Server 2008, there is now another option, Extended Events.  RedGate also puts out a great tool named SQL Monitor that can be used.

I am not going to get into the ins and outs of Extended Events in the post, I am simply going to cover how to use Extended Events to capture the deadlock graph.  There are a total of five events that have the word “deadlock” in the event name.

Let’s take a moment and quickly go over each of these five events.

database_xml_deadlock_report – This will be the same as the xml_deadlock_report, with one noticeable exception.  The xml_deadlock_report event has an additional tab, while the database_xml_deadlock_report does not have this.  This tab is where we will find the graph.

xml_deadlock_report – This is very similar to the database_xml_deadlock_report with the addition of the deadlock graph.  To see the deadlock graph, simply click on the Deadlock tab.

lock_deadlock – “Occurs when an attempt to acquire a lock is canceled for the victim of a deadlock.”  This definition is from the SQL Server Extended Event properties. Of the events we have discussed so far, this event has the most data points.


lock_deadlock_chain – “Occurs when an attempt to acquire a lock generates a deadlock. This event is raised for each participant in the deadlock.” This definition is also from the SQL Server Extended Event properties.

scheduler_monitor_deadlock_ring_buffer_recorded – “The session tracks other useful events which makes it easy to trace back the series of events which led to the deadlocked schedulers condition!” – From

Since this post is about the deadlock graph, we will focus on the xml_deadlock_report event. As mentioned before, this is the event you will need to use if you want to capture the deadlock graph.  There are two points to look at, the column is “XML_report” and the other is the graph itself. In the image below you will see that there are two places to look at the actual XML.  If you do not see this column in the grid, you can right click on it in the details at the bottom and then click “Show column in table”.  It might be very challenging to read due to formatting.  If you are having a difficult time reading the XML, this one of many online formatting tools can be very helpful to get good formatting.

This is the actual XML that is used to build the graph.  This is quite a bit of useful information in the XML.  You can see the victim query as well as many other good data points.  The victim process can be found in the “victim-list” node.  In the image below, you will then see two processes, the first one listed matches the victim process id.  The UPDATE just below it is the T-SQL that was chosen as the victim.


The deadlock graph, while initially looks very useful, it does have a significant limitation.  The query with the blue X on it is the victim.  If you float your cursor above it, the query will then appear in a context pop up.

If you left click and hold one of the shapes you can move it around. This can be useful when there are more shapes than you see above.  Now on to the limitation, you can’t zoom it.  Without this, it can be difficult to see some of the details.

Here are just a few interesting deadlock graphs I have been able to capture.

While these are kind of interesting to look at, the scary part is what caused these.  These were all caused by a single stored procedure.  Now you have the graph.  I think now the fun is just beginning trying to figure out what is causing this and a solution.

If you would like to read more posts about Extended Events, please go to the View All Posts page.

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Events…No Events

Extended Events is a great way to capture information about what is happening on your server.  You can capture information about deadlocks, failed logins, wait stats and many more important performance data points.

One of the nice features of the Extended Event interface in SQL Server Management Studio is the searching feature that can be used when setting up a session.  In SQL Server 2017 there are over 1,500 events that can be utilized.  Searching through all those events can make it a challenge to find the event you are looking for.

Luckily Microsoft has given us some help.  If you look at the image below, you can see under the “Event Library” box the two letters “de”.  As expected, this returns any event name that has “de” in the name somewhere.  It could be at the beginning, middle or the end of the event name.

The events returned will be based on two additional things category and channel.  Both of these options help to limit the number of events you will see in your results.

Category is simple groups of events.  For example, in the database category you will find many events related to databases. These include the following:

        • Database Starting
        • Database attached
        • Database created
        • Many..many more

The Channel is also a grouping of events, but this grouping is more on who and or why the events might be used. Below is a sampling of what you will find in the Analytic channel.

I have never really changed either one of these and I have been able to find every event I needed.

Now, what does it mean when I enter a value, for example “deadlock” into the Event Library search box and I get this:

Notice that no events are showing up.  Well there are a few reasons why this is happening. First thing to check is the Category and Channel to see if you are limiting the results.

Another reason is that all the events that contain that string are already in use.  If you look at the above screenshot, you will see that there are five events related to deadlocks and the are all in the “Selected Events” pane.

Now you can see that all 5 events are now showing up to select from.  This is a very short blog, but hopefully you learned something.

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Azure SQL DB and @@version

Many of us are used to using @@version to get the version of SQL Server we are using.  This also works when you are utilizing an Azure SQL database, although the results are slightly different. However, before getting to @@version, I would like to go over a few other methods to obtain version information.

How to Get Version

There are many reasons why it is important to know the version of a SQL Server.  The reasons include everything from licensing to upgrades.  In this section, I will cover a few of the common methods used to get the version of SQL Server.

With an on-prem instance of SQL Server one method that can be used to get the version is to right click on the server in SQL Server Management Studio.  Once you do, you can click on the properties menu item and the window below will appear.  As you can see, in the boxes you are able to see both the version and edition of the SQL Server.

However, when you attempt to do this in an instance of Azure SQL database, the properties menu item is not available.  Below is what you will see when you right click on the instance of an Azure SQL database in SQL Server Management Studio.

Another method to get the version of SQL Server is to utilize the SERVERPROPERTY function.  The SERVERPROPERTY function can be used to view server level properties, in this case the product version.


When you execute the above statement you will then see the version. It will look like the number below.  The number represents the version, in this case, SQL Server 2017.


As mentioned above, the ServerProperty function can be used to return a number of bits of information about the server.  Here is a link for more detailed information, click here.

The final method I would like to talk about is using @@version.  This is a global variable in SQL Server that will return not only the version of SQL Server, but also the OS version.

When reading from this global variable, you include it in a SELECT statement as illustrated below.

SELECT @@Version

The results will vary from an on-prem instance of SQL Server to an Azure SQL Database.

This is what you will see for an on-prem instance.

Here is the complete text of the results.

“Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (RTM) – 14.0.1000.169 (X64) Aug 22 2017 17:04:49 Copyright (C) 2017 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows 10 Home 10.0 <X64> (Build 17134: ) “

As you can see it returns some good information.  Including the version of SQL Server, the service pack status, 32-bit or 64-bit and the OS version.

However, the results change quite a bit when this is ran against and Azure SQL database.

The complete text is just as you see it above.  Notice the lack of OS version.

What is next?

Now that we have covered a number of ways to get the version information, let’s take a look at some of the differences from an on-prem instance to an Azure SQL database.

When looking at the results, it is easy to identify an instance as an Azure instance in just in the first few words, it clearly states that it is an Azure instance, it is indeed in Azure.

If you look at the results below you will see that I used both @@version and ServerProperty to get the information I am looking for.  You will also notice that I included a simple query using the sys.databases object. This will return the compatibility level for each database, which as you will see is going to be important.

Looking above you will see that it is an Azure instance, has a product version of 12.0.2000.8 and both databases have a compatibility level of 140. The compatibility level of 140 is SQL Server 2017.

What….12.0?  Isn’t that SQL Server 2014?  If you said yes, you are correct. Is it really possible that Azure SQL Database is SQL Server 2014? The answer is no.  That number is different that an on-prem instance of SQL Server.  According to what I have ready, version 12.0 is the most current version. Given both the Azure instance and the SQL Server 2014 both of a product version of 12.0, it now comes down to the compatibility level for the databases for Azure.

As you can see both databases of a compatibility level of 140, which is SQL Server 2017, not 2014. Since I didn’t change this when I created the databases, this tells me that the instance of Azure SQL Database was on SQL Server 2017 when I created the database.  As with an on-prem instance of SQL Server, the compatibility level for an Azure SQL database can be changed. When I created a new Azure SQL Database, the compatibility level was 140, which is SQL Server 2017.

To change the compatibility level of a database you have to run an Alter Database command.


When I ran the above code, I got an error.

Msg 15048, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Valid values of the database compatibility level are 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 or 150.

Notice it states that 150 is an option, while 160 is not.  Compatibility level of 150 is SQL Server 2019, the latest version.  It looks like the available options go back quite a bit, version 100, which is SQL Server 2008.

Since in Azure SQL Database, the version of the database is key when investigating versions, below you will find the code to retrieve the versions of all databases.

SELECT name, compatibility_level FROM sys.databases;

All the above code, works on both an Azure SQL database and an on-prem SQL Server.

Notice that the Advent database has a compatibility level of 150, SQL Server 2019.  When investigating version information, it important to also review the compatibility level of the database you are looking at as well as the server version.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you learned something.